So erreichen Sie die Maker Faire Luxembourg
Mai 6, 2024
Von Luxemburg-Stadt aus Um Rosport mit dem Auto zu erreichen, können Sie die Autobahn A1 nehmen, wenn Sie aus Richtung Luxemburg-Stadt kommen. Folge
make your own robot keychain with a laser cutter !
Luxembourg Yells - Robot Chaos is the first antweight robot combat event in Luxembourg. Join us to see some fun combats and test them yourself.
- 2 students help the makers program a tablet connected to each robot to be able to move them around the field. - The makers then play a football match with their programmed robot.
Learn a fundamental Maker skill at our "Learn To Solder"-workshop. With the friendly support of Aisler and Würth Elektronik.
Learn the basics of the Tinkercad software through various challenges. Design a robot yourself. Customize and theme a virtual world in CoSpaces. Import the robot into CoSpaces, animate/program it, and let it interact with other 3D objects.
I consider myself a maker since i can think. In 2005 i started documenting most of my projects on my website: On my booth you will see some of my DIY CNC machines, vehicles and RC stuff. Please drop by to meet and discuss.
not yet elaborated
You will see several lamps, backpacks, weapons, accessories from the universe of Steampunk. Most parts to building them come from garbage or recycling. There will also be a can shooting game with lasergun.
Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these "makers" to show hobbies, experiments, projects.
We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth - a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness.
Glimpse the future and get inspired!
Die ersten beiden Ausgabe der Maker Faire Luxembourg waren ein großer Erfolg und wir möchten uns bei allen Ausstellern, Besuchern und Unterstützern bedanken, die dies möglich gemacht haben.
Die Ausgabe 2024 der Maker Faire Luxembourg steht vor der Tür und findet statt am
Möchten Sie als Aussteller teilnehmen? Dann schauen Sie sich unseren Call for Makers an, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre Talente während dieser einzigartigen Veranstaltung zu präsentieren.